November 20, 2008

When a Developer Can Extend A Deadline

In the last blog entry, I mentioned the “impossibility of performance” doctrine as it relates to a purchaser trying to terminate a condominium construction contract.   One […]
November 7, 2008

Condominium Contract Termination Disputes

It’s no secret that condominium developers have built huge buildings throughout the South Florida area.  One just needs to turn an eye toward the east where […]
November 5, 2008

Air Conditioning Systems Breeding Mold

Condominium unit owners and home owners alike should note that mold infestation may not be limited to just drywall, carpeting, etc.  Air conditioning systems can breed […]
October 27, 2008

Hit and Run: The Benefits of UM Coverage

Given the fact that there are so many uninsured drivers in the South Florida area, we believe that each person that carries automobile insurance should also […]
October 27, 2008

Mold and New Housing Constructions

With all the new housing construction that occurred over the last few years preceding the current housing crisis, many homeowners found mold throughout their homes due […]
October 23, 2008

Water Intrusion & Mold

Water intrusion suffered by a condominium unit owner often leads to the development of mold.  Putting aside the fact that mold can negatively impact one’s health, […]
October 15, 2008

Condominium Contract Deposit Disputes

As an attorney handling condominium contract deposit disputes, I have concerns that the current economic crisis is going to further impair the ability of those seeking […]