Statements to an Insurance Company – Examination Under Oath (EUO)
July 6, 2011Zoning Board Victory
December 29, 2011There is no doubt that Facebook and Twitter are incredibly useful tools at sharing ideas, personal information and thoughts among a larger community. I am sure that this will also be true of Google Plus (who reportedly had 10 million members in two weeks Postings, tweets and blog entries are, for the most part, discoverable. Thus, do not share with the public those things that may be used against you in a lawsuit. For example, if you are in an accident, don’t describe to the public how the accident occurred or whether or not you were injured. If you have a construction claim, do not call the builder a liar or a thief. Be careful about what you share as others will likely be able to see that information even though you never expected it to become visible.
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